OST Curriculum

Introduction to the Theosophical Society

1- The Pioneers of the Theosophical Movement by various speakers

2- Remarkable Women of the Theosophical Society by Susanne Hoepfl-Wellenhofer

3- Theosophical Society - Its Nature and Work by John Algeo

Introduction to Theosophy

1- Introduction to Theosophy by various speakers

2- Theosophy - Raw and Unfiltered by Dara Tatray

3- The Divine Plan by Radha Burnier

4- Ideas that Shape Our Lives by Joy Mills

Theosophical Teachings (Intermediate)

1- The Origin and Constitution of Our Cosmos by Pablo Sender

2- An Evolving Cosmos by Pablo Sender

3- The Soul's Journey through Life and Death by Pablo Sender

4- The Secret of Evolution by Pedro Oliveira

5- Karma and the Activity of Thoughts by Pablo Sender

6- Reincarnation, An Intermediate Course by Barbara Hebert

The Spiritual Path

1- Goals and Trials of the Ascent of the Higher Spiritual Path by W. W. Quinn

2- Will, Love, and Conviction on the Higher Spiritual Path by W. W. Quinn

3- Karma, Death, and Rebirth on the Higher Spiritual Path by W. W. Quinn

4- Light on the Path: Concise Rules for the Spiritual Life by Pablo Sender

5- Preparation for the Spiritual Life - A Practical Approach by Pablo Sender

6- The Method of the Spiritual Life - A Practical Approach by Pablo Sender

Comparative Traditions

1- The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom by Janani Cleary

2- Intuitive Astrology by Gwynne Mayer

3- Intuitive Karmic Astrology: Individual and Relational by Gwynne Mayer