An introduction to the Theosophical approach to dreams.
In this beginner course, Gwynne Mayer explores the nature of dreams, where they come from, their symbolic meaning, and how to record dreams.
The topics explored in this course are the following:
Unit 1 - Introduction and Theosophical Approach to Dreams
Unit 2 - Where Do Dreams Come From?
Unit 3 - Dreams and Symbols
Unit 4 - Recording Dreams
- Teacher: Gwynne Mayer
Skill Level: Intermediate

What is the soul? What can psychology tell us about it? Can psychology help us on the spiritual path?
This course, based on four lectures presented at the 129th Summer National Convention in 2015, inquires into what psychology can tell us about the soul and the spiritual path, including subjects such as forgiveness, seership, self-healing and more.
The subjects covered in this course are the following:
1) "Where Science and Spirit Meet" by Dr. Cassie Vieten
2) "Forgive for Good" by Dr. Fred Luskin
3) "Eyes of the Soul: The Science of Seership" by Kurt Leland
4) "The Psychology of Self-Healing: Scientific Proof that you can Heal Yourself" by Dr. Albert Amao
Skill Level: Beginner

Explore a profound practice left by H. P. Blavatsky to one of the members of her Inner Group, E.T. Sturdy.
In this intermediate course, Michele and Pablo Sender present and in-depth examination of a transformative practice that extends beyond mere sitting meditation, encompassing a series of attitudes to be adopted in everyday life.
The topics explored in this course are the following:
1- Meditation on Unity
2- Beyond Centralization of Consciousness
3- Equanimity
4- Stepping Above Limitation
- Teacher: Pablo Sender
Skill Level: Intermediate

Pablo Sender discusses how pain and suffering can be used to foster spiritual growth.
The experience of life brings us joy and sorrow. While most of us readily embrace joy, we tend to regard sorrow as a mistake, as something that should not have its place in life. The Theosophical tradition, however, postulates that pain can become a blessing in disguise if we understand it properly and learn how to relate to it in a spiritual way.
The subjects covered in this course are the following:
1) Introduction
2) Learning the Law
3) Rooting out Desire
4) Transitory vs. Eternal
5) Seeking the Eternal
6) Conscious Use of Pain
7) Strength and Compassion
- Teacher: Pablo Sender
Skill Level: Beginner

This course is only available to those participating in the Partners in Theosophy program.
- Teacher: Susanne Hoepfl-Wellenhofer
- Teacher: Martin Leiderman
- Teacher: Maria Parisen
- Teacher: Pablo Sender
- Teacher: Janne Vuononvirta
Skill Level: Beginner

This course is only available to those participating in the Partners in Theosophy program.
- Teacher: Elena Dovalsantos
- Teacher: Susanne Hoepfl-Wellenhofer
- Teacher: Douglas Keene
- Teacher: Martin Leiderman
- Teacher: Maria Parisen
- Teacher: Pablo Sender
- Teacher: Janne Vuononvirta
Skill Level: Beginner